Monday, 27 October 2014

Planning Ahead

So I've been doing some idea generation on how I can start getting my work out there into the public and make a few bob and I've thought of something that could work really nicely with this new PPP brief of refining and practicing a skill under fifty hours between now and submission that could potentially be put out there. 

At first my initial idea was to do life drawing because I went to a class last week and here were my outputs.

So we started with a couple of minutes to do a continuous line drawing of the figure. I really don't enjoy doing these, just look at how skewed my proportions are, it looks terrible.

Then we had to do sixty second action shots which were really about getting the key lines of the body in. I read this article the same day I went to this which I think really made an impact on these drawings about how the body has one main flowy line through it which is always over exaggerated in traditional animation.

Then we had a couple of longer drawing tasks to do which I just don't like the outcome of my work for I think proportion is something that I really need to work on. But what was encouraged in this workshop was the use of textures which is why we had the metal cage and scrunched up newspaper is the pose above to try and encourage mark making and textures, but I think it's difficult to get them through in pencil and crayon we had really basic materials I think it's something that would need to require chunky pens and ink and thick paint if you're going to cover textures.

Finally the forty minute pose left me in a rather unfortunate position, but i tried to embrace the charcoal and come up with something that feels textured. I just don't think it has the feeling of skin it looks more like the same texture and wrinkles that you'd find in a scrunched up paper bag. However saying that I think I am my worst own critic but this is definitely an area as an animator I need to improve. Which is why this was my initial idea for the 50 hours, but here I spent three there and paid £10 and so I just think it would be quite expensive to do this in the time frame we have. So it's something I am going to try go to monthly because I think it's just so important to have decent perspective and proportion and drawing skills and it's something I've really lost this last year because I never force myself to do it properly like I used to. So instead of life drawing I'm going to keep it to drawing on the whole.

The project I'm going to set myself is to do big A2 drawings possibly A1 if I can get decent paper that size of landmarks in Leeds. I'm going to aim for 10 thinking five hours on each but this might have to adjusted because I'd rather have less but more time put into them if they need the time and then I'll also get them printed at postcards and see if I can sell them as well at the Tourist Centre and places because I think we actually get a lot more tourists than you'd realise and there's a big market for postcards. 

So if you go back to the big note at the top that's actually a rough draft of what I want to explore as part of my creative practice because I don't really want to be just an animator I don't mind have my fingers in all kinds of pies. 

So I know we have PPP tomorrow but to step into sync with this my Plan of Action to take this forward is to go around and take loads of photographs of the landmarks and thumbnail different angles and record them. And to also to look into a couple of different people and see what they sell their work on and begin to analyse prolific websites that are catchy because I think that also needs to be my next step setting up a really nice website.

So we are required to do a swot analysis to justify the area we want to spend developing during PPP.
 Improve drawing skills, perspective and proportions. Quality of Line.
Will influence other animation project that require a lot of drawing, especially responsive with competition briefs, storyboarding etc.
Potential to use them as backgrounds for a short animation at the end as well.

Time management. They're a lot of briefs on and this has potential to turn into a large project to have a go at. Also includes a lot of planning in promoting and getting them out there.

Opportunities to have them made into postcards and sold on in and around town. And explore Transmedia outputs.

Can develop portfolio around this make website and business cards, network, and actually have products to sell.

Also will end up with large pieces of work for pop-up show.
Perfectionism could ruin outputs and have me put off making them into postcards.

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