Friday, 13 February 2015

Animex! VFX Recruitment Panel

Recruiters panel session - breaking into the industry

Sophie Charlton Recruiter, Double Negative

David Delve ILM London

Mike Farrell Global recruiter, MPC

Thomas Knight Talent co-ordinator, Mill London

Anna Russell Recruitment & Talent Development Manager, Framestore

This panel talk was really insightful, and I imagine it would be especially useful for anyone interested in going to a VFX company. I think at this moment in time, it's not something I particularly fancy. In the sense I would love running for one of these companies and meeting all these people with amazing talents, but I think I personally would prefer to be creating the stories. I also think my passion for using all the software they use isn't there. I prefer drawing and inspiring magic.

I do however strongly believe that what they said about getting recruited by these companies applies to any job. (Most of it). The key points I wrote down are:

- When going for a job interview, you need to show flexibility and a multitude of styles and skills, unless you're applying for a specific role.
- Enthusiasm and eagerness to learn needs to come across all the time, the Industries always change and you need to change accordingly.
- Research who you're applying too. Why are you applying there? Go Prepared! What's there output of work like?

If you would like to hear the talk, I recorded it and uploaded it to soundcloud see below:

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