Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Fruitvale Station

Winner of Sundance festival this ghetto blasting film is storming the film festivals this year. I actually watched this trailer and thought what the hell did I just watch. It left me feeling confused, yet after watching the film I'd been to see at the cinema, I was still thinking about it. So I googled the trailer and watched it again. I was trying to work out the plot of the film, and I had to google the plot and I don't get how they have made it into a feature length. Basically it's about the last day of the father figure who's trying to stop dealing. And he's murdered. But to win so many awards you must really like the characters to attached to them so a part of me really wants to see it just to see what the fuss is about but at the same time a part of me wants to be like predictable gang violence and not my thing.

I've been assessing why I like films so much recently. And I think they have become an obsession because they form an escape from real life and therefore I generally only watch films that I can succumb to and picture myself in that world and I think that's what makes them so successful to me. Because if I'd rather live in that film then it's a winner. To me this film doesn't strike me as one I'd rather be a part of. Or say with documentaries I like the ones that tell the tales of interesting people like Bill Cunningham's New York, or Bob Dylan's biopic through No Where Home.

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