Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Plan for Presentation

So for my presentation, when I first got it I was like oh I so want to make a short film with Minnie (the puppy my family got for christmas), and then the more I thought about it the more difficult I figured this would be really difficult as I would have to convince Minnie to be still and do stuff to film and she's not very well trained. And I don't know how I could metaphorically make it rationalised. So therefore I went back tot the drawing board and I was talking to my friend at work about how I can't swim and I was using the analogy of how I was drowning in work with everything for the last deadline, so I thought that would be perfect for the presentation I could do watercolour background, have me jumping into the deep end, then drowning then swimming, I thought maybe having arm bands because I'm not a proper animator yet, but the swimming I've done is pretty amatuer anyways, I like to think in the presentation when I'm swimming I've got my feet on the floor and I'm walking and by third year I'll be swimming properly.

I thought really hard about it as well and I haven't included my drawings or storyboards and I think that would've made my presentation longer, but I'm going to pause it just after the bouncing sheep and mention that in passing. I've planned it out so I'll scan in my cue cards. It's currently at four minutes, but I know I can blabber on if I'm not careful and at the end I've prepared a bit to say so I didn't want to overwhelm and bore people because I've spoken to other people's in the group and everyones seems to be below five minutes.

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