Thursday, 15 May 2014

Who are you?

Who Are You?

In this lecture we are going to look at who we are in an attempt to try to identify ourselves with a view to helping us developing a language to describe ourselves.

There are lots of factors that can influence who we are and the following cannot allow for them all. However they are indicators to prompt us to think about ourselves and how people may perceive us.

Serious and Perceiving, Extrovert and cooperating, A leader and a team member, Introvert and contemplative, Thinking and intuitive, focussed and enquiring.

How can I help myself and others to understand me more clearly?

It’s all about language
Use appropriate, descriptive language
Separate personal and professional factors.
Understand the context and the needs of my audience.

Myers Briggs personality type indicators
Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgements sounder, and your life closer to your heart's desire.“
Isabel Briggs Myers

Introvert - Extrovert
The first criterion defines the source and direction of energy expression for a person. The extrovert has a source and direction of energy expression mainly in the external world while the introvert has a source of energy mainly in the internal world.

How are you energised?
Introvert or Extrovert?
Every person has two faces. One is directed to the OUTER world of activities, excitement, people and things. The other is directed to the INNER world of thoughts, interests, ideas and imagination.
These are different but complementary but most people have an innate preference towards one or the other. Thus either their Extrovert or Introvert nature takes dominant role in their behaviour.

Extroverted Characteristics
Extroversion (E)

Act first, think / reflect later
Feel deprived when cut off from interaction with the outside world
Usually open to and motivated by world of people and things
Enjoy wide variety and change in people relationships

Introverted characteristics
Introversion (I)
Think / reflect first, then act
Regularly require an amount of ‘private time’ to recharge the batteries
Motivated internally, mind is sometimes so active it is ‘closed’ to outside world
Prefer one-to-one communication and relationships

Which fits best - E or I ?

Look at these two lists and choose the one which suits you best. You will, naturally, think that some of the qualities from both lists could be used to describe you but you have to choose either one or the other.

Make a note of the letter that represents your list; either E or I

Sensing - Intuition

The second criterion defines the method of information perception by a person. Sensing means that a person believes mainly information he receives directly from the external world. Intuition means that a person believes mainly information he receives from the internal or imaginative world

How do you perceive or understand?
The SENSING side if your brain notices sights, sounds and smells. It categorises, organises, records and stores the specifics from the here and now. It is REALITY based.
The intuitive side forms OVERALL patterns of all information and records these patterns and relationships. It speculates on POSSIBILITIES and FORECASTS the future. It is imaginative and conceptual.

Sensing characteristics
Sensing (S)
Mentally live in the Now, attending to present opportunities
Uses common sense and creating practical solutions is automatic – instinctual
Memory recall is rich in detail of facts and past events
Best improvise from past experience
Like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are ‘fuzzy’

Intuitive characteristics
intuition (N)
Mentally live in the future, attending to future possibilities
Using imagination and creating/ inventing new possibilities is automatic/instinctual
Memory recall emphasises patterns, contexts and connections
Best improvise from theoretical understanding
Comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data and with guessing its meaning
Look at these two lists and choose the one which suits you best. You will, naturally, think that some of the qualities from both lists could be used to describe you but you have to choose either one or the other.

Make a note of the letter that represents your list; either S or N

Thinking - Feeling
The third criterion defines how the person processes information. Thinking means that a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling means that, as a rule, he makes a decision based on emotion.

Which way of forming JUDGEMENTS and making CHOICES is most natural?
The THINKING side of the brain analyses and is detached and objective. It is our logical nature.
The FEELING side forms conclusions in an attached and somewhat global manner based on likes/dislikes, impact on others and human/aesthetic values. It is our subjective nature.

Everyone has a natural bias towards one or the other. In situations of conflict one side naturally rises.

Thinking characteristics
Instinctively search for facts and logic in a decision situation
Naturally notices tasks and work to be accomplished
Easily able to provide an objective and critical analysis
Accept conflict as a natural, normal part of relationships with people

Feeling characteristics
Instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations
Naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions
Naturally seek consensus and popular opinions
Unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony

Make a note of the letter that represents your prefered list of characteristics.

Are you S or N?

Judging - Perceiving
The fourth criterion defines how a person implements the information he has processed. Judging means that a person organizes all his life events and acts strictly according to his plans. Perceiving means that he is inclined to improvise and seek alternatives.

What is your orientation to the outside world?

The JUDGING style approaches the world with a plan and is orientated towards organising one’s surroundings, being prepared, making decisions and reaching closure and completion
A PERCEIVING style takes the world as it comes and is adopting, adapting, flexible, open-ended and receptive to new opportunities and changing game plans.

Judging characteristics
Plan many of the details in advance before moving into action
Focus on task related action; complete meaningful segments before moving on
Work best and avoid stress when keep ahead of deadlines
Naturally use targets, dates and standard routines to manage life

Perceiving characteristics
Comfortable moving into action without a plan; plan on the go
Like to multi-task, have variety, mix work and play.
Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work best close to deadlines
Instinctively avoid commitments which interfere with flexibility, freedom an variety.

Make a note of the letter that represents your prefered list of characteristics.

Are you J or P?

I found this task very very difficult and a bit ridiculous. I can't label myself as being introvert or extrovert beause much like any human i change my persona depending on who I'm with, at the end of the day it's not about being introvert or extrovert it's about being able to listen when the time calls for listening and about speaking out and presenting yourself clearly with confidence when the time calls for that. I can't pidgeon hole myself I refuse to. I appreciate I'm still learning when to be introvert and extrovert and I don't always have the balance right but it varies so much depending on environmental factors I wouldn't say I'm either. Then there's the ones that live in the now and the ones that live in the future, I mean come on everyone knows theres a time and a place to live in the now and to live in the future, I mean you're given a choice to jump off a cliff if you lived in the now you might say it was fun people who live in the future might not want to incase of injury that would affect the future. Time and a place to think about all these things it's just not right to classify your personality into any of these categories because people are so much more complex it's all about achieving balance and positivity in life. I don't care where I am in the future as long as I'm happy, healthy and loved. That's my aim in life and I want to be able to make others feel happy healthy and loved too this chart isn't going to help me see my way forward improve my creative personality. To me this lecture was just a waste of my time.

(I was still forced to pidgeon hole myself and my label was a giver.)

The larger the space in the middle, the more in balance your life probably is.

This diagram shows some contradictions. This person has strong friendships and gives high priority to fun and recreation but their contentment level is low and they do not feel secure for some reason. Perhaps, if they focus a little less on fun and recreation, their financial position would improve and that may also lift their level of security. Because they have strong friendships, this would be a low risk change to make to bring balance back into their lives.

I think this diagram was more important and relevant to members of the class because you're forced to assess your life and yourself and decide what your going to do about it to make it better. However on the other hand it's so difficult to have accuracy in this kind of thing because people have different gages on whats good and bad for example a student may have lost ten pounds that morning and be devasted and put finance as three but a gambler who lost ten thousand pounds might also put it as a three because he might be miffed but he might think he knows he can gamble it back. So as a comparison this test fails. But as self improvement raising awareness of area that need improving are the first step .

Overall I didn't enjoy this lecture. I know which areas of my life need more balance and need improving and I don't want it putting in front of my face because I think it's a very personal thing and the people I go to Uni with aren't close enough to me for me to feel like I can share this stuff with, most people in uni I don't see outside of uni so it's a more professional relationship and you put on a different face for that.

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